All stories are taken from anonymous posts on other websites unless credit is given stating otherwise.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

SCP-627: Companion Cube

Item #: SCP-627

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures:
Item SCP-627 is to be kept in a soundproof locked container at all times. Personnel interacting with SCP-627 must be equipped with headgear that blocks all outside noise. At no time should the headgear be removed in the presence of SCP-627. Failure to comply will result in immediate termination. Personnel are advised to approach SCP-627 in groups no smaller than three persons.

Recovered from Site 3-A in late 2007. Item SCP-627 is believed to be part of a "training course" for employees of Site 3-A. It is a metallic cube-like object approximately 1.5 cubic meters in volume. Each face is symmetrically patterned with ridges and plating, and a circular bump in the center of each side is decorated with a cardioid emblem in a rose or magenta hue.

Subjects approaching SCP-627 report that it appears to be sentient and capable of speech. Many find it nearly impossible to separate themselves from it and must be forcibly removed from the area. Some subjects are able to recover from this; many are drawn into a sort of depression, as though they have lost a beloved companion.

It is interesting to note that physical examinations of the object reveal no obvious method of phonetic output, and that sound-dampening equipment has proven effective against the hallucinations brought on by exposure to SCP-627.

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